6 handpicked Scratch falling game | Scratch games


falling game

What are the charms of falling block games? Let’s explore together how to express these charms through Scratch!

The charms of falling block games include the exhilaration of controlling falling blocks at high speed to score points, and the simplicity of the rules that allow for easy and accessible gameplay.

To express the charms of falling block games through Scratch, you could create a game where blocks fall vertically and players must move them left and right to create complete rows. When a row is completed, it disappears and points are awarded. The speed of the falling blocks can be gradually increased to increase the difficulty of the game.

Other ways to express the charms of falling block games through Scratch might include adding background music and sound effects to enhance the atmosphere and mood of the game.

There are many ways to express the charms of falling block games through Scratch, but no matter what method you choose, you can capture the exhilaration of controlling falling blocks at high speed to score points, and the simplicity of the rules that allow for easy and accessible gameplay. Let’s explore together!

More falling game projects are coming soon! More falling game projects are coming soon!
We have plan to add 1 more falling game projects in Scratch.

#01 Dodge the Falling Blocks

Dodge the Falling Blocks
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Konbo_Ren’s scratch game Konbo_Ren’s scratch game

This is a game where you must dodge falling blocks that come down in a regular rhythm. Use the left and right arrow keys to move between the five lanes, and if you can avoid the blocks for a certain amount of time, the level will increase and the blocks will fall faster. At first, focus on simply dodging and avoiding the blocks! Once you get used to it, try touching the falling blocks and immediately dodging them. If you time it right, you’ll get bonus points, so make good use of this to aim for a high score. The element of not only avoiding the blocks but also touching and dodging them (with an instant loss if you mistime it) adds a nice accent to the game.

Bouncy Boy

Bouncy Boy

by 82948091
taiseitaisei’s Scratch Game

taiseitaisei’s Scratch Game

by taiseitaisei

#04 Runaway Elevator: A High-Speed Plunge

Runaway Elevator: A High-Speed Plunge
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How to play

Action Key
Avoid spikes and blowouts with a time limit of 30 seconds.
Collect the coins (yellow circles) to advance.
Move Right: Right arrow key
Move Left: Left arrow key
-fairy_floss-’s scratch game -fairy_floss-’s scratch game

In this game, the elevator goes out of control and plummets at an incredible speed. The sense of velocity is really thrilling. Spikes, bubbles, and coins (yellow circles) fall from above, and your goal is to collect the coins while dodging the spikes and bubbles. Interestingly, it might seem like you’re going up instead of falling. There is a time limit of 30 seconds. The more you play, the better your timing and reflexes become, so try challenging yourself multiple times.


About this Scratch Game

Review Date

#05 Ice Cream Catch 2

Ice Cream Catch 2
小ネタを投稿する Copy URL Go to the Official Page Take a note
Fearless-Cockatiel’s scratch game Fearless-Cockatiel’s scratch game

A game in which you keep catching falling ice cream with a cone. This game is simple and easy to use as an example of a falling game. The super-simplicity of this game almost makes it the origin of falling games, and that’s why I recommend this. I think people who are thinking of making falling games should take a look inside of this project first. There is no need to explain “how to use”, it’s that simple. Every once in a while, a black ice cream comes falling and that one’s a…, uh, yeah that’s obviously what it is!

kametar’s Scratch Game

kametar’s Scratch Game

by kametar