3 handpicked Scratch drop the ball | Scratch games


drop the ball

This game involves dropping a ball from above to hit variously shaped pegs (like circles and squares) below. Each peg is marked with a number, and hitting the peg with the ball the indicated number of times will make it disappear. The trick to the game is to skillfully calculate how the ball will bounce in order to eliminate all the pegs.

However, it can be quite challenging as the number of pegs and their values keep increasing, making it harder to clear them all. If you’re still struggling to eliminate them and the pegs exceed the top line, it’s game over.

Some versions of the game also feature a “Challenge Mode.” Here, the goal is to remove all pegs within a set number of moves, which often proves to be quite difficult.

So, while I’ve written quite a bit here, the key is to remember the angles of reflection. Keep playing and intuitively learn the angles, and you’ll definitely improve. Keep it up!

#01 Drop the Ball

Drop the Ball
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