8 handpicked Scratch praplane snowball fight | Scratch projects


praplane snowball fight

The 7 most popular praplane snowball fight games in the Scratch community.

#01 Simple Snowball Fight Game

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harurunpa’s scratch game harurunpa’s scratch game

Introducing a simple snowball fight game, where the objective is to capture the enemy team’s flag. Head to the bottom left of the screen to collect snowballs and then make your way towards the enemy’s territory. Snowballs will fly in the direction of your opponents, but they will drop after reaching a certain distance, so make sure to gauge the distance and aim carefully. If hit by a snowball, you will be unable to respawn for several seconds. It’s crucial to hit your opponents first, as it becomes difficult to evade once they’ve thrown their snowballs.

#03 The Fiery Version of Snowball Fights

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RAINBOWSTAR2222’s scratch game RAINBOWSTAR2222’s scratch game

This game is like a fiery version of snowball fights. There are several characters to choose from, so you can start the game with your favorite one. The objective is to avoid getting hit by your opponent’s balls while throwing your own to defeat them. It reminded me of the snowball fights I had when I was little. It was so much fun! You can play by yourself, but there’s also a two-player mode. I have a feeling that playing with two people would make it even more engaging! I’m planning to try it with a friend next time.

#06 雪合戦ゲーム  爆発地帯 戦争!!!!!

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Lisa_Panda’s Scratch Game