The customized suika game in Scratch
Customized Suika Game
Customization is really popular in the Suika Game, isn’t it? Like the money version or the space version. I’ve made a jewel version myself〜(^^)
The original game also releases customizations for events like Halloween and Christmas, so there’s a lot of customization happening on the Scratch side too.
#01 Reverse Watermelon Game Updated
- 2,660
- 2,809
- 781,002
- ©
- 2023.11.4

How to play
Check the game:
Original by @tkhs2011
Tips for making cherries:
| First, arrange the fruits by size.
| Focus on growing the small fruits.
| Use cherries to push when needed.
| 1137 blocks
| Shared on 10/10/2023
The author says:
"I wasn’t sure if I could make this, but I’m happy with the result! It’s mostly true to the original with some differences. Let me know in the comments if you find bugs or make a watermelon!"

#03 Golden Watermelon Game Updated
- 340
- 356
- 444,095
- ©
- 2023.11.25

Thanks to tkhs2011 for the original scratch remix of the watermelon game.
Goal: Combine watermelons to create a rainbow watermelon!
Note and Credits:
Creator's best score: 2743 points
Thank you for over 300,000 views!
11/25: Diamond and Rainbow watermelons added.
#04 Suika Game / Pear Only Updated
- 2,281
- 2,090
- 414,603
- ©
- 2024.2.1

This is a version of Suika Game, created by SolarCode.
The game is simple: only pears can be used.
You can try another version using persimmons here:
There’s also a game to protect Sprite 1:
You can play the full Suika Game here:

#06 Watermelon Game (Ball Version) Updated
- 218
- 221
- 265,056
- ©
- 2024.1.24

Thanks to horiyouta for the original Watermelon Game.
How to play: Click to drop a ball. When two of the same type collide, they merge into the next ball.
Ball progression: Ping Pong → Golf → Tennis → Baseball → Softball → Basketball → Soccer → Volleyball → Rugby → Balance Ball → Golden Ball.
#07 Hikakin Game - Suika Game Remix Updated
- 152
- 154
- 169,627
- ©
- 2023.11.14

This is a remix of the original Suika Game made by tkhs2011. The fruit characters are replaced with popular Japanese YouTubers. The controls are the same as the original.
List of YouTubers and their subscribers (as of Nov 15, 2023):
- Hikakin TV: 11.9M
- Hajime Shacho: 10.7M
- Fishers: 8.33M
- And more...
Thanks to all players, YouTubers, and the original creator.

#10 Watermelon Game (Polandball Version) Updated
- 367
- 369
- 99,056
- ©
- 2023.10.20

Thank you to tkhs2011 for the original Scratch remix of the Watermelon Game.
How to play:
This project doesn’t support or criticize any country, religion, or ideology.
Please don’t promote anything here.
The official statement says non-commercial use is allowed.
Game details:
1141 blocks
Shared on 10/10/2023
Check the game to see how to play.
Author’s message:
I wasn’t sure I could make this, but I’m happy I did!
It’s mostly true to the original, but there are a few differences.
You’ll see a lot of cherries and strawberries at first.
If you find any bugs, comment below. Also, share your score if you make a watermelon!
#11 Watermelon Game!! Updated
- 205
- 206
- 96,037
- ©
- 2023.10.14

Move the ghost with the left and right arrow keys, and drop fruits with the spacebar. Match and combine the same fruits to evolve them into a watermelon. The evolution order is: Cherry → Strawberry → Grape → Dekopon → Persimmon → Apple → Pear → Peach → Pineapple → Melon → Watermelon.
BGM: On-Logic

#13 Watermelon Game Updated
- 343
- 339
- 88,437
- ©
- 2024.2.18
#14 Suika Game Scratch Remix 1,000 Yen Game Updated
- 146
- 141
- 65,536
- ©
- 2023.11.20

How to play:
It’s been approved for non-commercial use by the official creator.
Tips for making 1,000 yen:
- Start by organizing by size.
- Focus on growing the smaller amounts.
- When in doubt, use the smallest amount first.
Creating 1,000 yen is easy and making two is even easier!
Credits to @horiyouta and @tkhs2011 for their amazing work on this project.
#15 Fishing Game Guide
- 129
- 126
- 49,238
- ©
- 2023.10.17

Summary of the author's notes
- Click to lower the hook and click again to raise it. - Lift it at the right time to catch a fish. - When you try to catch a shark, you'll enter a clicking challenge to gather strength. If you do it right, you can catch the shark! - We focused on cool animations like the Cat, so enjoy the visuals! Please don't promote anything in the comments. We'll remove any promotions we find. Feel free to share your scores and report bugs in the comments! To catch a shark, you need to click 20 times in 3 seconds. Music from and sounds from Scratch were used.
#16 Submerged Watermelon Game
- 191
- 185
- 48,718
- ©
- 2024.1.8

#18 Watermelon Game (Scratch Version) Updated
- 77
- 78
- 44,491
- ©
- 2023.10.10

Thank you to tkhs2011 for the remix. Now that I'm a Scratcher, I can use cloud variables! Fixed some bugs and made mobile compatible. The persimmon is no longer a tomato. If you spot any bugs, let me know in the comments. Try making a watermelon and share your score!

#20 Watermelon Game Now Available on Minecraft Mobile Updated
- 68
- 67
- 35,008
- ©
- 2023.10.12

How it works:
Evolve grass block → oak plank → oak log → crafting table → cobblestone → stone → iron ore → diamond ore → ancient debris → netherite block → bedrock.
Creator's highest score: 3045
There may be some glitches, but enjoy!
Inspiration: @horiyouta

#22 Suika Game - Scratch Version (based on Oshi no Ko) Updated
- 241
- 234
- 29,396
- ©
- 2023.11.27
#23 Sour Squid Game Updated
- 344
- 336
- 20,976
- ©
- 2024.1.21

This game is not related to the watermelon game. It's about vinegar and squid. The goal is to place the vinegar and squid in their matching boxes. Tap the box with the letter to do so. If you find bugs or the score doesn't update, feel free to report it. World records won't appear for new Scratchers or classmates. Everyone, become Scratchers and break the world record!
Sound by Sound Effect Lab, Amacha Music Factory.

#26 Grapes-Only Watermelon Game!? Updated
- 190
- 192
- 13,635
- ©
- 2024.2.2

A remake of the popular Watermelon Game in Scratch. Combine fruits to grow watermelons. Use the mouse or touchscreen to move and the J/E keys to switch languages. The game ends when fruit overflows, and your score is saved.
Submit your ideas for new features!
#27 PokeBall Game
- 95
- 92
- 11,045
- ©
- 2023.10.15

Summary of the author's notes
Poke'Ball GameThis game has 1137 blocks and was shared on October 10, 2023. To learn how to play, check out the game. The creator shares that creating this game was a challenge, but they're happy with the result. They aimed to stay true to the original game, with some differences. The game starts with lots of cherries and strawberries. If you find bugs, let them know. Also, share your score and if you create a Master Ball in the comments. No ads or requests for follows, please.
#28 【Stretch Out!】Vscratchers Watermelon? Updated
- 185
- 135
- 11,030
- ©
- 2023.11.9

This is a remix of the original watermelon game made by tkhs2011. Please don’t engage in spamming, negative comments, or unnecessary remixes. Report any inappropriate behavior. Usage is allowed for non-commercial purposes. The game may be re-shared for updates like bug fixes or art changes.
How to play: Just watch the game.
If you find any bugs or make a watermelon, leave a comment with your score!

#32 Planet Game Scratch Version - Watermelon Game Remix Updated
- 31
- 28
- 6,763
- ©
- 2023.11.10

This is a remix of the original Watermelon Game by tkhs2011.
- Left/Right: Arrow keys
- Drop: Press "A" or click
- Mobile: Tap next to the play area
There are a few gaps in the design. Bugs include score resetting and score display showing the sun. Planets appear in order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Black Hole (or galaxy), Alien, Moon, Sun.

#34 Watermelon Game Style 2048 Updated
- 26
- 25
- 1,720
- ©
- 2024.1.18

Scratch game stocks of Customized Suika Game
Below are some Scratch projects that I’d personally like to try playing.

![〔公式〕スイカゲーム✕ワンピースscratch版 [Official] Watermelon Game ✕ One Piece scratch version](