The else baseball in Scratch
else baseball
The popular else baseball in Scratch

#01 プロ野球カードゲーム vir1.06
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- 66,572
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- 2022.8.22

Play by spinning the gacha to collect player cards and arrange a team lineup. Spin one gacha at a time for best results. Please comment with your lineup and players.
Note: The creator isn't taking requests but welcomes feedback. Report any player name mistakes or bugs, and suggest new players if desired. Updates so far include lineup options and player additions.

#03 Baseball Batter Training Simulator
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- ©
- 2020.7.30

This game involves training a baseball batter for a year to improve their batting average and runs batted in (RBI) for the following season. There are four training opportunities each month from January to December. The training focuses on batting power, contact, and persistence. As the player trains, their stamina decreases, and the risk of injury increases. By taking breaks, the player can recover stamina and reduce the risk of injury.
Positive events such as extra practice and practice games occur when the player's stamina is high, while negative events like injuries happen when the stamina is low. The key seems to be maintaining high stamina while training. In December, the season automatically starts, and after a countdown of 1,000 at-bats, the player's batting average and RBI statistics are revealed. The game encourages players to aim for a batting average above .400, but it's quite challenging.
Although it's a simple simulation game, there's an element of luck involved, and players can enjoy experimenting with different parameter combinations. Be cautious not to click training buttons when speech bubbles are displayed, as this may cause the game to freeze.

#05 Baseball Pitch Variations - A project to understand different breaking ball types
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- ©
- 2022.7.26

You hear various breaking ball pitches mentioned in baseball news. Well, this project shows you how the ball moves in an animation of each type of pitch. If you watch this, it may come in handy when you watch baseball games on TV. Personally, I would have liked it if they had put disappearing magic balls in this. I didn't know you could make educational works like this using only movements. It might be possible to make a project showing sumo techniques.