4 handpicked Scratch music fan | Scratch games


music fan

The popular music fan in Scratch

#01 _Music Maker

Music Maker
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uplift’s scratch game uplift’s scratch game

You can compose music! The base part of the music is already made, so you create the melody to go with it. Click to add notes. When you add a note, a line appears. Click on the top of the line and move it up and down to change the length of the line. Drag the bottom of the line to move it. Delete a line by placing the mouse over the line and pressing the X key. Duplicate a line by dragging it while holding down the Z key. When you’re done, press the space key to play!

#02 Are You Ready!

Are You Ready!
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Basketball side-scrolling game. It is not basketball. A game you dribble the ball while avoiding obstacles.
You’ll get heated. It’s fun. You can dribble with the spacebar or mouse, but it’s insanely hard. The live video has also been uploaded, so check it out. My best score was 418. Bad? No, do try it. It is tough. But really exciting. And the sound is cool. The main theme song, which asks “Are You Ready?” in a thick voice, is used in combination with a sub-soundtrack, which is quite austere and well-crafted. This is the kind of project that makes you think, “The soul is in these details, isn’t it?”

Original Song - Get Real

Original Song - Get Real

by dcsm

#04 Digital Mixing Engineer

Digital Mixing Engineer
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gor-dee’s scratch game gor-dee’s scratch game

Professional! Freakingly amazing quality. A digital mixer is seriously reproduced in Scratch. Even if you come up with such a thing, it is impossible to carry it out without an astronomical passion.
A digital mixer is an equipment that adjusts the sound of a live music band. I want someone who touches the digital mixer at work to play it, and I wonder how well it will reproduce.
However, this is a project you may not enjoy if you don’t know how to use a digital mixer. If you’re interested in acoustics, like music, and go to live performances often, definitely check this out!